Secretary of State for the Environment Visits CVR
26 February, 2024
26 February, 2024

Secretary of State for the Environment Visits CVR

Secretary of State for the Environment, Hugo Pires, visited the CVR - Centre for Waste Valorisation to learn about the Centre's work in the areas of sustainability and circular economy and to closely observe the role of the entity for academia and the business sector.

The government official toured the facilities and laboratories of CVR and got to know some of the most relevant research, development, and innovation projects in these areas.

After attending the opening session of the 6th edition of the Wastes Conference, which took place in Coimbra in September 2023, the Secretary of State traveled to Guimarães, praising the role that CVR plays for the region and industry, allowing "providing companies with new insights and different angles on how they can add value to their business and gradually change the paradigm of how they produce".

Hugo Pires believes that CVR, "which transfers knowledge to companies, is fundamental".

Reinforcing the need for a climate transition and behavior change, the Secretary of State acknowledges that "Portugal is still far behind its targets", disposing of about 56% of produced waste in landfills. For 2035 - the Secretary of State assumes - the goal is to reach 10%.

Hugo Pires therefore considers that "this reuse of materials and recovery of resources is absolutely essential".

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