This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 101023334.


PROJECT TITLE: Digital Twins for the optimization of agri-food value chain processes and the supply of quality biomass for bioprocessing
DURATION: 48 months; 01 JUNE 2021-31 MAY 2025
BBI JU contribution: 4,053,705 euros

The EU is already the world's largest food and drink producer. However, as food demand grows -and the EU's need for food safety- the agri-food sector is under increasing pressure. Food production systems need to become more efficient and productive, providing nutritious andhealthy food in greater quantities, while at the same time meeting the growing demand to minimize any environmental impact.

Part of the solution to this challenge will be the deployment of digital solutions. The BBTWINS project will develop and validate a digitalplatform based on the so-called digital twin
technology: a real-time digital replica of a physical process that can be examined, altered, andtested without interacting with it in the real world and avoiding negative consequences. Using two use cases (meat and fruit production) it willdemonstrate how to integrate, in a single value chain, both the entire agri-food value chain (from crop to final product) and the feedstocksgenerated at all steps.

This digital twin approach will combine state of the art digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, the Internetof Things (IoT) and software analytics in a single platform. This platform will be able to predict the optimal pre-treatment and pathway for eachfeedstock under varying conditions. In so doing, it will increase the biomass available, reduce biomass losses and increase biomass storagetimes without impacting quality.

The overall goal of enhancing the performance of agri-food value chains will be achieved through:

  • Characterizing each step of the agri-food value chains, gathering information at process level.
  • Improving feedstock availability and sustainability for bio-based operations.
  • Providing novel bio-based products from feedstock valorization.
  • Developing virtual tools for informing decision-making and optimizing bio-based processes in agri-food value chains.
  • Providing end-to-end traceability of the products from raw materials to the end users.
  • Validating the BBTWINS digital tools in a relevant and real-life environment.
  • Contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions and environmental impacts in the agri-food sector.
  • Guaranteeing the straightforward extension of BBTWINS tools to other agri-food subsectors.
  • Creating new business models in the bio-based industries.


CTIC-CITA - Spain - Project coordinator
SOLTEC - Spain
ZABALA - Spain
ANGAZ - Poland
cluBE - Greece
VTT - Findland
DIMITRA - Greece
VITO - Belgium
CVR - Portugal
REVOLVE - Belgium


Sustainable Finance
The CVR, in partnership with ISQ, is promoting an initiative that aims to bring the topic of “Sustainable Finance” to debate.
Italian school students intern at CVR
Four students from the Italian school IIS "A. Olivetti" interned at CVR. The objective of this exchange is to internationalize their skills, strengthen their language abilities, broaden horizons and anticipate their entry into the job market. CVR welcomed the students as part of the Financiamento Base Mission2GG - Grow Green project.