Project nº 024517



VALORMAR - Integral valorization of marine resources: potential, technological innovation and new applications

Co-financed by the European Union through the ERDF - European Regional Development Fund, under the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization - Compete 2020, Lisbon Regional Operational Program - Lisbon 2020 and Algarve Regional Operational Program - Algarve 2020.

Total eligible cost | 8 503 598,37 €

EU financial support | 5 679 831,18 €

Self-financing | 2 823 767,19 €

Period of execution | 2017-10-01 to 2021-07-31

Location and Consortium | Led by SONAE, it comprises 18 companies and 13 entities of the Portuguese R & D system, among them the CVR - Center for the Valorization of Waste.



The project aims to value marine resources through research, development and demonstration of new products and improvement of production processes, proposing innovative solutions for the creation of new healthy food products using innovative and efficient technologies.


- Research and development of innovative preserves and snacks, proposing new strategies to extend the shelf life of fish preparations;

- Development and optimization of new products, technologies and processes for aquaculture production in Portugal and Europe;

- Marine biorefinery - isolation of marine bioactive compounds for use in a wide range of applications including formulations for functional foods or in the biomedical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries;

- Research and development of a technological platform to support traceability information, enabling the information to be made available to companies and the end consumer in an integrated way, taking into account the entire value chain in question;

- Disseminate scientific and technical achievements and ensure mechanisms to promote the economic value of project results.


Sustainable Finance
The CVR, in partnership with ISQ, is promoting an initiative that aims to bring the topic of “Sustainable Finance” to debate.
Italian school students intern at CVR
Four students from the Italian school IIS "A. Olivetti" interned at CVR. The objective of this exchange is to internationalize their skills, strengthen their language abilities, broaden horizons and anticipate their entry into the job market. CVR welcomed the students as part of the Financiamento Base Mission2GG - Grow Green project.